Analog Film Sessions

There is just something about images captured on film that captures my heart. Yes, it handles light and shadow beautifully. The dynamic range is incredible. And the bokeh and depth of field on a medium format lens is crazy! But more than anything, I think it is the feeling of nostalgia and timelessness. The grain, the smoothness and the connection you make with a subject. Shooting on film is slow. You can't just "spray and pray" as you can on digital. When shooting a roll of 120mm, I have 10 shots. 10 shots to capture the moment. I think that makes you focus on the moment more and allows you to be more a part of it. Even the process before a shoot makes you slow down and think. What kind of feeling do I want from this session? Where am I shooting? What will my lighting look like? Do I want a warmer film, more contrast, less saturation, more grain? On the flip side, the editing process is a breeze. Send out for development and scanning, then clean up a few dust spots or adjust saturation/contrast a bit. Then bang, done. Hours of my life back!

Interested in a film-only session? Keep scrolling to find the info below or reach out!

The images featured on this page were shot with either a Pentax 6x7 120mm or Canon EOS 35mm camera using a variety of lenses. The film stocks used were Portra 160, Portra 400, Kodak Gold 200, Kodak Ektar 100, Fuji Acros II, Ilford HP5 and Kodak Tri-X.

The below were captured on Portra 160, Kodak Gold 200 and Portra 400, all on 120mm using the Pentax 6x7 camera. You can really see the difference in each stock. Portra 160 has less saturation (think more light/airy) with a very fine grain. Kodak Gold has more grain and a "gold" tone. And Portra 400 has a bit more grain than the 160, with more saturation.

Kodak Tri-x using Canon EOS 35mm

Fuji Acros II using Pentax 6x7 120mm

Portra 160 using Pentax 6x7 120mm

Ilford HP5 using Canon EOS 35mm

Kodak Ektar 100 using Pentax 6x7 120mm. This film stock is the most colorful I use, as far as saturation. I typically use it more for landscapes as skin tones can get tricky with it. But in the right conditions it renders beautifully.

Ilford HP5 using Canon EOS 35mm

Ilford HP5 using Pentax 6x7 120mm

Portra 400 using Pentax 6x7 120mm

Kodak Gold 200 using Pentax 6x7 120mm

Film Session Information

Film sessions are priced based on session length and # of film rolls planned.

Session fee is $100/hr. with a minimum of 1 hour, plus film charge.

Film charges:

  • $200-2 rolls of 120mm (choose between color/bw, both color or both bw)
  • $125- 1 roll of 35mm (choose color or bw)
  • $65 for each additional roll added a la carte to one of the film choices above (either 120 or 35)
  • Film charges include the film purchase, processing, scanning in high resolution, editing of film imperfections (dust, developer) and upload to a digital gallery.

1 roll of 120mm produces a maximum of 10 images.

1 roll of 35mm produces 25-36 images (depending on film stock chosen).

120mm film produces a much larger negative, with more detail and better resolution for larger printing.

For single person portraits, 2 rolls of 120mm is the recommended choice.

For family portraits, 1 roll of 35mm and 1 of 120mm at a minimum is the recommendation.

  • 35mm is great for candid portraits, esp with children. 120mm is great for more posed images.

All images taken, the great and the not quite perfect, are added to the final gallery.

  • People see beauty in different ways. A shot might be out of focus, but it captured a wonderful emotional moment that was happening at the speed of life. That moment can be more meaningful to a client than something technically perfect but not authentic.

All final images are delivered digitally via online gallery. Clients can download images and order prints directly from the gallery.

I use mainly Kodak, Fuji and Ilford photo stocks. Each film stock has a different look, tone, contrast and grain level. We will work together to pick out the perfect stock for your session.

Whew, that was a lot of info! If you are interested in booking or want to know more, just reach out via my contact page.